CaN a TArot card reading actually help me? tarot card decks ArE made up of 78 carDs. two different groups, REFERRED to as the major arcanA,the minor arcana. ThE major arcana is considered their own suit. ThE minor Arcana is much like in a regular playing deck, lower suit and royal suit. Tarot began back in the 14th century as a game called tarrichi And we’re not used for dIvination purpose until the late 18 century. these cards were actually use as regular playing cards the same attributes in our traditional cardS. In a tarot deck. Wands - SpEaks of spirituality and creativity- fire. SwOrds- speaks to conflict and tension. air- CUps speak of emotions And relationshiPs. PEntacles speak of money- earth. EaCh card has a specific energy or meaning. MoSt readers pick up on the energy of the card and have some psychic intuition which they share with their ClIent. ThE readers CaN generally see what energies are playing in the persons life and typically what they are dealing with as evidence in ThE shuffling process. EaCh reader addresses their guides and their spirits prior, some do meditation or light candlEs to clear any PREVIOUS energy from being pick up.specific questions ArE asked of the cards and Angel guides. ThE caRds can reveal obstacles and imbalances in the pErson life, can also bring clarity to confusing situations. after a reading PeOple experience relief from stress and heavy burdens being lifted which come with clarity and the guidance of the reader and messages of reassurance coming through. those dealing with past loss Of a loved one, find messages of Assurance coming through To give them peace and hope. This can also help when you come to a crossroads and you have to make a decision and you’re really not sure which way to go and you want to know what would be the best spiritual path for you. WHen related to our soul contracts and life purpose, life lessons this becomes very assuring. A good TArot card reader will be able to read the cards and explain them in a way that makes sense to you. sometimes the energies are picked up in what your person may be thinking they may have mixed up. you will be able to tell who is who. MaNy people benefit greatly from these TArot readings. if you believe in the art of fortune-telling doesn’t really matter what does matter is that you recognize potentially dangerous patterns in your life and get a better understanding of yourself and correct your life path to get the results you want. Tarot readers are simple energy readers. energy can be heavy or light we live in a dualistic world.
Not just your sun sign but your moon sign and venus sign can reveal different aspects of your situtation.