Of course I’ve touched briefly on the subject of life, Death, reincarnation, Akashic Records and astrology with the different aspects of it. In the hopes of keeping it simple. My blogs will go more in depth into all of these topics. But what I would like to share now is a somewhat new approach not just to the pass but the present world of metaphysics. In 19 60’s a woman by the name of Dolores Cannon and her husband Started doing Hypnosis on A Texas military base. They found themselfs in uncharted waters “ so to speak”, Her clients started regressing into Past lifes And she quickly found many consistencies Throughout her Clients Regression’s, Interestingly the similarities she kept meticulous notes on spurred her on to write 17 books in print. She is well known in the metaphysic community. I also have heard her say C. Yung who is the father of psychiatry Also used hypnosis and ran into the same phenomena as she, however instead of going into the metaphysics. He chose to go into Logical mind aspects and call it psychiatry. I believe she said it was fear which made his decision. We all know fear should never be the driving motivation behind A decision. Our evolution Would be far more advance if he had chosen metaphysics . Interestingly the similarities That came of her sessions were immediate Cures For diseases, but not limited to, such as cancer And joint Regrowth. These were factually based documented healings. So they are still Being done by practitioners To the Present Day. It is called QHHT, I will leave the link and information on practitioners in this page.In her investigative therapies Dolores Cannon had Several episodes Where the GUIDES of her clients would interact with her through the client. These are entities Or beings in a different realm. Who as explain to her We’re chosen to watch over this person. It seems that all those who comes to Earth come to learn lessons, clear karma and for a greater purpose ascension evolution to higher frequencies. To not only grow in the spiritual realms but to also ascend through our familiar ancestry but through our DNA It is a failure for them to not clear or learn their lessons, not accomplish there greater purpose in life. Again they will find themselves back in this realm in order to do so. Each person who comes to earth has a guide assigned to them to watch over them and to help them accomplish these lessons and greater life purpose’s. This is why prayer and meditation and manifestation is very important in this lifetime. Many times the invitation of these beings to intervene on our behalf is necessary. This is also why our intuition and paying attention to our surroundings is paramount. These are often the way’s our guides get our attention. Through ringing in the ears, repetitive recognition of numbers “ singularity” as well as other items such as feathers seen repeatedly. Information given through Tarot and Astrology can guide us to the right path. The right path can lead us to a deeper understanding and awareness Of our circumstances. It’s up to us to choose how to react In ways that will enlighten us and guide us through our life journey. Or another way of phrase this is to tap into our intuition that is the deep knowing we have when our third eye is open. It is the first thought that comes to us with out overthinking to the point where we give ourselves completely over to logic “ man’s intellect” opposed to Divine wisdom. Again religion is used by The powerful to control the ignorant, “Never give your power away.” By not recognizing you are an extension of “Source” you’re giving your power away