Metaphysical Health Strategies


health related to Energy and Vibration

Quantum physics, string theory, superposition and “The law of vibration.” How it relates to our higher consciousness and Oneness with Source “God” And “unity” throughout the “verse.”(Universe and multi-verse.) Bob Proctor is known for his deep understanding of the “law of vibration.” Basically everything moves nothing rests, it’s all energy at different vibrations. Even your thoughts have movement and cause vibration, frequencies or energy , which can cause movement which we then perform or create accordingly .

It is this process of thoughts creating emotions which create our reality, which is referred to as the “ law of attraction.” Science has caught up with the religions and faiths of the world, more accurately with spiritualism. Western Religions tend to hide rather than acknowledge that energy is at the heart of our existence. Jesus was a healer not unlike some of the energy healers we have today, who practice metaphysics. Balancing chakras, reiki energy work, meditation, mindfulness, prayer, healing music— even breath work. All are examples of practiced and effective healing modalities used since Jesus‘s time.

When Jesus healed the man by the pool, he told him “Get up, take your mat, and tell no one.” He did this because he did not want anybody’s negative reactions to undo the healing in this man’s mind. God in the Bible is described as a burning bush or a wheel of fire, which very much sounds like energy. The string theory,  quantum physics and  super position all hypothesize and attempt to describe energy fields/forces that move in ways which are predictable only when observed.

This has led to the discovery that there are different dimensions explained by the super string theory, after particles were found to have moved in unpredictable ways  when not observed. Vibration was addressed in the string theory which speaks of wave-like, tiny strands vibrating in different variations leading to many levels of higher energy or dimensions. Sound is now recognize to carry mass. Music Definitely influencing our lives in more ways than we recognize and can easily elevate our vibration in a positive way or negative. After all Source spoke our world into being so the old testament say’s.

What needs,to be considered, is that our entire electrical evolution is based on these theories and much of the equipment and devices we have come from these theories. “One consciousness” or the “law of one” has been with us since the dawn of time in our beliefs and our faiths and religions. Channeled works and teaching such as the emerald tablets spoke of in the days of Alexander the Great also referred to the “law of one”. As well as several of the religious books from many cultures.

Important to consider also is the Bible was also channeled, most if not all of our religious books as well. So before you dismiss this information I think you would do well to think a little longer and not dismiss any new information based on outdated beliefs. The consciousness is the new frontier of science. And I have every reason to believe it will soon be explained and understood by the world in the very near future. The connection with all of this science and spirituality is that our whole universe is energy vibrating and connected at different levels. That which is the “ Source”  or what we call God is the creator of all things. Everything that source creates becomes a creator because we are “Source“ a spark of our creator incarnated in a physical body birthed out of the “Big Bang”. Billions of years ago source created one-celled organisms that produced by fusion, but what came from that through evolution is what we see around us today.  In other words, those organisms kept evolving and creating to this present day.

All of this is important in understanding how our bodies respond to and are energy. That is what connects us and what spirit is - Energy. Energy can neither be created nor destroyed, it can only be transferred or changed from one form to another “Law of Conservation of Energy.” Metaphysics is the new medicine in chronic dis—ease, in this new paradigm. But the best part is that in the journey of finding good health we find wellness in all aspects of our life. We find abundance in all areas of life, we create the life we were meant to have. “We Thrive.” When we see that Energy is at the root of our existence all things become possible most importantly a loving and growing relationship with self and Source as well as those around us and our eternal family and Creator.

Quantum Physics Confirms: Consciousness Creates Reality

New Experiments Show Consciousness Affects Matter: Dean Radin, PhD

Death, life and reincarnation

Akashic records and past lives help us find our purpose and move quickly through our lessons and life and karmic cycles

According to Western religion, it is believed that our soul exits the body and leaves to one or two places, heaven or hell. Depending on the way we live our lives, if we are good, honest, and pure in life, we are promised Eternity in heaven among the clouds playing harps. If we lived a life of ill intent or filled with evil we spend eternity in “fire and brimstone.”

This hardly sounds like a God of love. But once you peek outside of Christianity, the viewpoint of what happens drastically changes. The big difference is a belief of the soul being reincarnated, or transmigration. So many cultures and religions around the globe since the dawn of humanity have held these beliefs. A little digging quickly uncovers this cyclic soul event to be believed and practiced worldwide..

In 323 A.D. at the council of Nicaea the belief of reincarnation was removed from the Christian theology. The purpose was said to be to settle the dispute of the teachings of Christ among the different sects of Christians, as Christ teachings or concepts were very limited by the people’s lack of understanding and interpretations due to their perception of the world around them.

Today’s science offers a better understanding of energy, dimensional realities according to vibration, allows us deeper insight and a more accurate interpretation of Christ’s life here on earth. In essence he said I AM. He was the son of God and he was God. You ask how can that be?

In my previous section I explain how “God” or “Source” is energy. The purest form of light. As we are energy coming from “Source,” maybe not as pure as “ Source,” but we are still source experiencing and creating at different variations of vibrations in different dimensions.

The definition of “Akashic Records,” the primary substance of that which all things are formed. Energy is the connective tissue of the soul to Source. Consciousness is an awareness of the soul, enlightenment is the understanding of the soul. Akashic Records are recognized as the records of the soul’s eternal journey. The past,present and future. The Sanskrit term Sim Kara is used to describe the remembering, psychology, karmic mental imprints a soul carry’s from life time to lifetime.

Psychics, creatives, and visionaries have drawn on these records to assist people in understanding past lives, soul contracts, karma and life lessons in cyclic cycles many times determined by the revolution of the planets. This is where astrology becomes very useful. Relationships in this lifetime benefit immensely by this information. We are not meant to live our entire lives dealing with karmic situations and relationships. We have lessons and life purpose in our soul growth also.

While we do have free will, there are points in our lifetime where we agreed to help others in life lessons as well as contracts we signed prior to coming here. These contracts and points which are divinely guided will not be passed by in a soul’s life time. A very popular trend today, “Law of attraction” mentor by the name of Esther Hicks or “Abraham” speaks of a vibrational world.

Her information is channeled from the higher realms of eternity. She also contends that everything is energy vibrating at a different frequency. To maintain a high frequency or positive vibration is to Align yourself to better health and well-being as well as a more abundant Life in all aspects. She describes a vibrational place called the vortex where all of our wishes ever wished are being held for us waiting until we step into that high frequency or positive state.

Access the Akashic Records to Learn Your Soul history and Purpose Hypnosis

How To Read Your Akashic Records

Guided Meditation for Connecting to the Akashic Records (Hypnosis)


Building positive and supportive relationships with friends, family, business partners, and life partners is a major business in our culture. But at the heart of these relationships is the most important relationship of all, our connection to “Source,” when we find resolutions and are able to resolve these vicious cycles and negative behavioral patterns in relationships we can see hugh positive shifts in all areas of our lifes.

Poor communication or unwillingness to change cycles, patterns and behaviors in our self will dissolve away at our love and our intimacy with others. Only recognizing and accepting these patterns and experiencing adversity “pain” can challenge us into deeper understanding of our true authentic self so we can peel back those destructive behaviors which keep us a slave to these vicious cycles. Then we can start the process of healing which allows the process of growing into who we truly are down to the bare bones the wounded child. There are many labels given to adults walking around with a wounded inner child, narcissist, co-dependent and B.P.D. ( borderline personality disorder). Many of the same tools can and will heal those who want the cure. Healing the inner child starts by releasing fear. Releasing the past can seem like a challenge but it can also be liberating once we realize who we are. Not are “EGO” which is the protective layer we formed around us to fend off social conditioning and critics. We are a spark of Source when we Acknowledging how powerful we are to change those things in our life in order that we can “Thrive.” Our guides, angels and ancestors are waiting to help us let go so we can fly higher then we ever dreamed. Endings always bring beginnings!

The solution is simple but can be difficult to accomplish and put into practice unless there is an understanding of why and where these vicious cycle come from and how to stop them before it threatens to undermine communication, understanding and “Love.”

Astrological influences and knowing your compatibility with your partner as well as knowing your life path, purpose, and your karmic life lessons can be transformational. Understanding your childhood wounds, triggers, blocks, self-esteem issues, anxiety, stress, abandonment, and emotions such as pain, sorrow, depression ,jealousy and control issues can be transformed into acceptance, forgiveness, and released back into the energies of Gaia, freeing us to successful relationships which spill into all other aspects of our lives — including the most important relationship, “love of self.”

When you love self you can love everyone else with unconditional love because love of self is love of “Source.” Our bodies are our temples because that is where “Source” resides.  This is why protecting our energy, clearing our Chakras, understanding and raising our vibration, exercising with yoga, tai chi as well as meditation with proper breathing technique, self appreciation, eating healthy, and gratitude all help to balance and improve our energies.

However, that’s not the end of the story because once your energies are balanced your vibration rises and everything you have ever asked for or wanted becomes your reality. “ YOU REWRITE YOUR STORY” We are all moving into a world where humanity should have the ability and the knowledge to “Thrive.” I have taken all the secrets and put them in a step-by-step program that I wish everyone had the ability to perform and acknowledge as a reality in their lives. THE ONLY PERSON WHO CAN STOP YOU NOW IS YOURSELF!