Self Love- Begins with Love of Source



1.WE BECOME MINDFUL we tend to Know how we feel,what we want, and what we think.… . .2.WE ACT, on what we need rather than what we want. 3.WE PRACTICE GOOD SELF CARE, Eating right, exercising, taking care of our bodies and loving them. 4.WE SET HEALTHY BOUNDARIES , we do what feels good for us and we don’t do anything that doesn’t feel good and that we don’t want to do. 5. WE PROTECT OUR-SELF, Not ignoring or denying bad behavior from ourselves and others. 6.WE FORGIVE OUR SELF AND WE FORGIVE OTHERS While staying within our healthy Boundaries. 7.WE LIVE INTENTIONALLY We set intentions for ourselves and we set intentions how we allow those who we interact with to treat us. 8.PERFORM CHARITABLE ACTS FOR OTHERS.acts of kindness and respect make us kind to ourselves and respect ourselves and others.


self love- love of source are they one and the same?

Is self-love merely holding yourself in high regard and always looking out for your own best interest. Boosting your EGO to the detriment of others, selfishness,conceitedness or always seeking attention or validation from others. Or is it actually having a healthy concept of who you are? If you’ve been following along with me you have come to realize that my perception is we are sparks of our creator experiencing and co-creating our experience with Source as we grow, learning life lessons until we come to the fullness of our higher-selfs “enlightenment'“. This is more of an inward journey of self reflection. Nothing new it is what all the great ascended masters teachers taught. ie Jesus, Buddha. It is a refocusing of the mind after self examination. It Involve’s examination of our Feelings or emotions to a specific interaction “Triggers” and then looking at it from a higher perspective in relation to a positive outcome promoting growth toward our higher selfs “ enlightenment ” is the ultimate outcome. The Process involves acceptance of lessons, by acknowledging or reflecting on our reaction and examining our emotions we reveal our deepest truths (wounds). which allows us to accept and release our past emotions which caused us to form blocks or reactive negative cycles of lack (need) and destructive thought patterns of limited success. Choosing not to forgive and heal, does not allow releasing of these negative emotions, thought forms (which keep us in lower frequency’s). This will block our happiness and joy in our life’s and our abundance. In order for us to heal or remove these blocks and negative patterns there needs to be a reprogramming of the mine. if you're ready for this challenge, you will find it is easier. The problem lies in our ego,that protective shell that we invent to protect our innocent vulnerable inner person. The EGO is who we portray our-selfs to be to the outside world . That is where many of us get confused and we get stuck in self seeking behaviors or self defeating behaviors and perceptions, social conditioning. All an attempt to protect our inner child or “ vulnerability .“ This vulnerability is our subconscious or unaware self. Much of our life’s we live unconsciously even subconsciously due to society’s programing. My unconscious is the reactive me, subconscious me are the driving forces! We ( individual or society) are kept in illusions and deceptions of what, who and how we need to be. Seeing through our social conditioning or awakening to our social relationships, educational, religious,Family, culture, government all conditioning, which play into our illusions of who we are presenting ourselves to be. Removing this filter or mask, will start our INWARD journey of healing our wounds that formed when we were children or in past life's. (A small insight) Societies or those around us encourage us to look for answers outside of ourselves, but we will never find “Our truth” OUTSIDE of ourselves. for the simple reason they don't know who you are, because you don't know who you are! We give our power away to society and systems before we even realize who God created us to be. our journey is individual and it can be chaotic,confusing and difficult but all journeys are not straight paths. Pain and adversity is unfortunately the greatest tool for healing or getting our “attention”to get back on a healing path to complete our total divine health journey in mind body and soul. It is a new world with a new consciousness. you have the capability of living without pain and adversity if you can raise your consciousness. We all have our own journey and we all have the ability to rewrite our stories. The Past which holds us back in regret and negative emotions “ depression “ will keep us small and blocked from our blessings! In Mental, emotional, physical and spiritual dis-ease, healing our Emotions is the key to opening the door to healing our physical, mental and spiritual bodies. It is the most ignored aspect of western medicine and it is so closely tied to abundant health. The connection is the ability to express our feelings constructively be heard and have the intimacy of true acceptance, compassion, respect and love in each of our relationships. Lack of love is truly the most important over looked aspect of healing our total health. Distorted and unbalanced relationships ( which i can honestly say i’ve personally experienced this distortion from a young age) and i know very few people whom do not fall into the category of lack (need) termed co-dependent or “empath” or opposite narcissistic personality “disorders” to some degree each of us have this in our relationships. These personalities come from lack of love, neglect abandonment, lack of respect, self esteem, abuse emotional, mental, physical ,sexual and spiritual either witness or experience as children. Lacking self love or distorted self image which is born in insecurities or a mind set of lack ( need). Not feeling worthy or not liked or like you are not enough, needing constant reassurance is a gate way to abuse. If you are a rare individual who doesn't have these tendencies, then you are probably not on this site or have little need of this section because you have a healthy since of self-love. This has motivated you through life to make healthy choices for yourself. Have a strong since of self likes and dislikes “confidence “ When you hold yourself in high esteem you are more likely to choose things which nurture your well-being and serve you well. Be this in the form of healthy communication, being grounded and secure in self and with our bodies image. Have you ever noticed how these people are very successful and all their life endeavors? They don't “people please” or make choices out of character “impulsive and reckless”. Choosing healthy patterns in sleeping, eating healthy food or exercising routinely or in regards to recognizing unhealthy thoughts or emotions and taking steps to change them. “ Balanced”! Most significantly this will reflect in our health and loving healthy relationships. Being respectful and loving to self is the best place to start a healing journey John 14:19 God first loved us, proverbs 19: 8 “Love others as you love yourself” Mark 12:31 “Love your neighbor as yourself” We are all sparks of the ONE Source Creator! Which is LOVE! So you are divine, you were created from love! Our existence is all energy, frequency connected as ONE in the same field influenced by one another in positive ways or negative ways resulting from our choices given to us thur our Creator. When we realize and understand our true connection, we are less likely to think poorly of ourselves and others. Remembering , when you love someone, you are loving God when we hug someone even a stranger, we are hugging God! everything and everyone is part of this ONE DIVINE! A higher perspective! This allows us to be grateful for each day that we have here, experiencing life in a sovereign temporary physical body with a spiritual eternal mind set or understanding. Being able to shift our mind, heart,and our energy to what we want each day in our intentions. To focus on every detail of our day to love and respect ourselves and others. We understand that our higher selfs is Source and we are all part of that Source Creator Energy “LOVE”. Love not only makes the world go around but is what makes the cosmos, uuniverse go around. Quantum physics, repeating fractals of energy are constantly expanding learning higher love through the cycles of life. Realizing that all is connected and all is ONE. The Law of One is the oldest universal law and what the oldest religion is based on “Hinduism”. . interesting fact is that Hinduism started to disintegrate when the United Kingdom’s influences took hold in Asia and the Indies. Almost like a disease it destroyed the fabric of the countries by devaluation of their spirituality.

love of source

When we experience feelings such as unconditional love, adoration, compassion, acceptance and forgiveness. We are experiencing Source love, it is without judgement and truly from a place of authentic unconditional love…Because Source is pure love and never see’s our failures but only are successes. If we were to see what Source see’s, our self love would be acceptance and inspiring, always cheering our accomplishments and never even acknowledging our failures. Failures are a necessary part of life they show us what we don’t want, so we know what we do want! Which is the most important part of life, its why we came here to undo that which we don’t want, so we can find love and joy in what we want. We were met to Thrive not strive. “Life is not happening TOO us, but happening FOR us.” To experience adversity so we can choose better for ourselves and others when we are in these same situations or cycles again. Our suffering leads to growth and clarity to know what we don’t want , opens doors to solutions or choices which bring us greater inner and understanding of who we are and our life purpose. We do this especially through our failed relationships. Divine Relationships teach us and push us to grow to higher levels of self fulfillment. Karmic relationships keep us stuck in negative cycles repeating over and over until we find our way out. When we leave this dimension and pass on we will not be judged by anyone but our self’s and then only so that we can evaluate if we accomplished our karmic lessons, life purpose and avoided more karmic debt. It is always left up to us to return if our goals were not accomplished.If we accomplish ridding ourselves of our lessons and our karmic debt then we are assured to raise up in the higher dimensions, higher vibrations closer to Source. “To unconditional Love”. If we don’t we could slip Into lower levels of Vibration due to more Karmic debt. The 3rd Dimension which we live in allows a soul The greatest avenue of opportunity to grow And that is why we sign contracts to come back and relive our lives to rid ourselves of our karmic debt. The universe “Source” Will not allow us to fail on certain points. There are people in our lives put there to encourage us, love us and to challenge us. There are also the extras in life they are not necessarily souls they are characters that are put in our lives to distract us and to cause us pain. They are actually entities, which cause most of human suffering. We all know when we come here and sign these contracts what will happen to us. We all go through the veil of forgetfulness, but we have our angels and our guides ready to help when we ask. Never be afraid to ask from the powers above they love us and they want to help us. Proverbs 19: 8 “To acquire wisdom is to love oneself.”

Change your life by changing your thoughts!

Change your life by changing your thoughts!



As children we are exposed to not only social conditioning but unfortunate family situations, poor parenting and unsupervised sibling and others influences as well as mass media with violence and sexual content beyond levels which no child should be exposed to. Our EGO’s formed when experiencing criticism, rejection and abandonment and never given appreciation to form healthy self love and self-esteem. Lack of respect and boundaries in hostile environments become a norm in a child’s life. Emotions and feeling are never addressed in these children and they grow up detached and unable to even address or name their emotions. EGO’s form when boundaries are crossed, criticism or trauma affect a child’s development. For example, a child may be criticized by his siblings for being goofy and they will change their behavior in order to be accepted by those around them. That is the EGO forming like an onion skin, we acquire several layers while growing up until we are unrecognizable from our authentic self’s. This may not be a problem until we choose relationships based on our EGO’s and those relationships fail. We live behind mask never revealing our true emotions or are authentic self’s. We spend our life‘s looking for perfect relationship, our soulmates,only to find soul connections can not connect when their is an EGO in the way. Our authentic self’s are hidden from our self’’s and the outside world. We develop negative chatter in our minds, self defeating messages which self sabotage us in all areas of our life. We become reckless and self abusive with negative thoughts “ I am not worthy!” A negative tape going around and around in our minds. As we form friends, they are form with the EGO , which may lead us further away from our authentic self’s and in situations not beneficial to our higher good but toward darker and more self defeating talk and behaviors. These norms become us, leading us further into negative thoughts over taking and continue to occupy our minds. What we think is what we believe. Subconscious mind dictates the cycles in our life. Voices in our head , thoughts sabotage our conscious mind until all is an illusion not being able to tell a lie from reality. EGO is there to protect us but it is not reality. Here is where we reprogram and rewrite our story to what we want because now we know what we don't want. Refocused on thoughts of positivity “ affirmations” to undo the damage. Doing good works for others. Choosing to meditate on healing guided meditations. Writing goals, journaling thoughts and emotions and acknowledging the good things in your life. Giving gratitude to Source everyday for all the small and large things which keeps you here and able to focus on learning and growing towards the enlightened and conscious loving being Source creator created you to be. Relationships in our life can change our life’s in way’s nothing else can. Some times losing someone or something we love can be the start of something better. It allows us to analyze our subconscious mind and pull mask’s off to peel back the layers to our authentic self. When the EGO is removed revealing our authentic self we analyze our conscious mind and subconscious mind that’s when we see our feelings of lack or insecurities. Once we are aware of the sabotaging and feelings of lack we can address these area’s and release them back to the earth and develop healthy thinking patterns and behavior which builds strong self love and respect. We are here to go through cycles to repair past life's and current karmic lessons. It's Soul connections that are able to see through the onion peels and trigger each other to bring our authentic self’s to the surface of our life’s. These cycles are full of hurt and death and transformation in this order. Periods of isolation and reflection for growth and healing take place afterwards.

Once our subconscious reveals our true intentions and the divine recognizes us due to the authentic self’s being exposed “our higher self’s have a natural higher vibration” the universe “Source” is able to give us all the gifts we have ask for according to these positive vibrations of self love in our subconscious thoughts. Source wants us to have good gifts but if we are not able to release the EGO and negative chatter, blocks and games exposing the dark shadows to release them from our subconscious, we will remain in lack and self-sabotage mode. ‘ Until they don’t! It’s up to you to want the changes and then “up to you to do the work” to see and “acknowledge the emotional blocks”, “acceptance of them” and “forgiveness” for everyone involved so you can “Let Go” release them with a "nonjudgmental perspective “ everything happens for a reason. When you refuse to forgive from this higher perspective you are remaining vulnerable and allowing yourself to fall victim again only to repeat the cycle. Holding yourself in a self imposed prison instead of setting yourself free to heal and love again.

“Hurt people hurt people” We are 100% responsible for our feelings. The key is to take that which you want too react too in another and turn it toward self, self reflection and self focus will show you your own deeper issues and needs. Judging others for their past stop’s you from growing into a better person, receive and allow yourself to feel the emotions and reflect, release and heal. Once you have learn to love self and others you are ready to experience retraining your mind, body and soul to a higher vibration. In a higher Vibration you will find balance, joy and health in all areas of life. Relationships will improve or end “ (because they were never met to be permanent )”and money will flow, you will be living your best life in the higher vibrations of reality because you will have crossed over higher vibrational “dimensional time lines “ To the Vortex” .

SelfLove #Affirmations #ReprogramYourMind 8hrs of self love affirmations to reprogram your mind so that you can feel a deep and profound sense of self love ...
  • Dialogue with your inner child .

  • Journaling from your inner child emotions .

  • Meditating to feel in touch with your focus on inner child. 

  • Play like a child or with your children.

  • Allow yourself to be playful and do things you loved as a child.

  • Learn self love how to nurture and love and care for yourself. 

  • Accessing repressed memories, regression hypnosis therapy.

  • Acknowledge and label your feelings allow yourself to feel them. If they are negative,feel them and let them go! Replace them with positive affirmations or high vib music or another positive distraction. Self sooth, It’s ok this will past” Things are going to be ok! If that fails go to sleep it will neutralize all negative feelings, then you can reset to positive when you awaken.

  • Set healthy boundaries which serve your higher self and highest purpose. Respect yourself and others.

  • Pamper your self, do not do things you don’t want to do! Or things you would not want done to you. Do unto others as you would do unto yourself. Be kind to self and others.

  • “Stop negative chatter” in your mind. Visualize taking those negative thoughts and kick dropping them into the sea. Or if your familiar with “tapping “this will be detailed in Tools section.

  • Choose joy, peace and balance.. Listen to high vibrational music, Repeat affirmations of positivity and self love.

  • Listen to affirmations of self -confidence 

    Remove Blocks, “ false sense of self” that which we hid from others “dark shadow energy” which cause deception, illusion and confusion not allowing us to see things clearly. This could be a person in your life or a habit or behavior which brings you to lower vibrations. Pray and ask for help From the angels ..Archangel Michael , Jesus Or any other higher being like our ancestors. We each have a spirit guide and we have our higher selfs. As well as our life Purpose We are here to accomplish “our life purpose” and they Are there to help us to do it. Have Faith!!

All of these suggestions will benefit a Narcissus or co -dependent personality because all we really are are wounded children.

Highly recommend if you have relationship trauma or control issues in your relationships, or want to grow and become more conscious and aware of self , I suggesting you listen to this video at least 3 times found on YouTube called “Letting Go” - The pathway to Surrender by David R. Hawkins. The book is also worth purchasing.